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 Main Categories:  Bases & Platforms | Building Materials | DC Motors | Drives | Fasteners | Hardware | Robot Kits | Sensors | Servos & Servo Accessories | Wheels and Casters | -Clearance-

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  Round Base, Rigid PVC

Here's a CNC*-machined round base. made from 6mm (about 1/4") thick expanded rigid PVC. This stuff is very lightweight, yet is amazingly strong. It generates little static electricity (as opposed to acrylic, which generates static copiously), and can be readily cut and drilled.

You can stack several of these discs to create multiple "decks" for your robot. Unlike metal or most other plastics, these PVC discs add little weight of their own. You can stack 4, 5, and even more discs to create a multiple topping 'bot! (Though we recommend no more than three decks, to minimize the chance of the robot tipping over.)

The bases are available in several diameters, to suit most any tabletop robot design: 10 centimeters (a shade less than 4", ideal for mini-sumo), 5", 6", 7", and 8", with pre-drilled mounting holes. The center hole is 3/8" diameter; there are 12 equally-spaced 1/8" diameter holes 1/2" from the outside rim of the disc (1/4" for the 10 cm and 5" discs). You can, of course, drill additional holes as needed.

Available in colors. Click here for sample colors (colors are shown approximate).

*CNC stands for computer numerically controlled. To prepare these bases (and many other products we provide), we use a computer operating a high-speed precision CNC router that has an accuracy of greater than 0.001".

SKU Number:KIT190



7   7" Circular Base, with Wheel Cutouts

Save time building your next robot with this universal 7" diameter circular base, with cutouts for wheels.

The base is drilled and cut using precision CNC (computer numerically controlled) equipment. We use sturdy but lightweight 6mm thick (about 1/4") rigid expanded PVC plastic -- the base can support several pounds, yet it weighs just a few ounces.

A variety of pre-drilled holes are provided for mounting motors*, battery holders, sensors, microcontrollers, standoffs for additional "decks", and other components, and you can readily drill additional holes as needed.

(*Holes are drilled on each side to accommodate our exclusive flange-style servo bracket. Use these brackets to instantly mount R/C servos to your robot base!)

Available in colors. Click here for sample colors (colors are shown approximate). The cutouts will accommodate wheels up to about 2 3/4" in diameter, or larger if the motor shaft is away from the surface of the base.

Buy two of these bases to assemble a "double decker" multi-level robot. Or, combine, with our 7" diameter round base as the second level. Both of these bases are drilled to match holes for standoffs.

SKU Number:KIT185

Price: $7.99


Base Panels for Two-Deck Rover Robot   Base Panels for Two-Deck Rover Robot

Lightweight but strong rigid expanded PVC plastic panels; 1/4" thick, in colors (red, blue, black). Contains plastic deck pieces only, or with all mounting hardware, risers, and support caster. These panels build a very sturdy robot that will last for a long time.

Bottom deck: Overall dimensions 6 1/2" by 6", with cutouts measuring 2 1/2" by 1" for wheels. Holes drilled for four columns, to attach the top deck. The bottom deck is pre-drilled for a square-base 1 1/4" swivel caster.

Top deck: 4 1/2" by 6". Holes drilled for four columns, to match the bottom deck.

The panels come pre-drilled for two Tamiya Worm Gear motors, which you can purchase from Tower Hobbies or other online resource. Or if you prefer, you can choose panels pre-drilled for standard servos. Includes two servo mounting brackets that work with most standard-size servos from Hitec, Futaba, Cirrus, GWS, and others. Be sure to select the motor option in the option box below.

For your convenience, a hardware pack for this base is also available. The hardware pack includes the following:

  • 6/32 threaded standoffs, and hardware
  • 4/40 mounting hardware
  • nylon thumb screws
  • Swivel caster, with mounting hardware

Looking for motors and wheels? Add a pair of our servo and wheel sets to motorize your rover base with two quality modified R/C servos and rugged polyurethane wheels.

SKU Number:KIT320

Price: $7.75
Hardware Option:
Motor Mount Option:
Servo Motors/Wheels:


  Tamiya Tracked Vehicle Chassis Kit

Tamiya model 70108 Tracked Vehicle Chassis Kit, contains:
  • Rubber tracks (linkable to produce different lengths)
  • Drive sprockets and idler wheels
  • Double shafted drive motor
  • Drive shafts and axles
  • Wood base
Use all or part of the kit to create your own tracked robot platform!

SKU Number:TAM70108
Price: $14.95

Budget Robotics
A unit of Gordon McComb's Automation Masters
Oceanside, CA 92056
Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Budget Robotics. All Rights Reserved.